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KINTSUGI- Your Scars are What Makes You Beautiful

Photo Credits: Owner Mistakes, failures, disappointments, all can be the most important and effective experience for us- this is what the Japanese art of Kintsugi  or Kinkuroi teaches us in life. Kintsugi or ‘to join with gold’ (Kin = gold ; Tsugi = joinery) is a method of pottery repair that honors the unique history of artifacts by highlighting, not hiding, the break. The repair method is done through reassembling the broken pieces carefully and then glued together with a golden lacquer. No attempt should be made to mask the damage, the point is to render the fault-lines beautiful and strong which transforms the artifact into something more unique, valuable and storied than the original.                                                                                                                                                      Photo Credits: Owner Origins of Kintsugi Kintsugi came about unintentionally when Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a ruler from the 15th century, broke his favo

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